

Enrico is a sound artist and creative technologist working across different formats. He is especially interested in the artistic exploration of indeterminism, audio-visual interaction, generative systems, and shared agency between humans and machines. He is a conservatory graduate in electroacoustic music composition (BA and MA). His artistic and scholarly output has been presented internationally

Enrico is a sound artist and creative technologist working across different formats. He is especially interested in the artistic exploration of indeterminism, audio-visual interaction, generative systems, and shared agency between humans and machines. He is a conservatory graduate in electroacoustic music composition (BA and MA). His artistic and scholarly output has been presented internationally


  • hyperobject::01 selected for the Sonorities Festival 2024 (exibitions/installations category)
  • Cryoconite selected for the Sonorities Festival 2024 (listening room category)
  • [in.tangibile] interactive sound art installation commissioned by Signal To Noise Festival
  • Selected to give a talk at the Technarte conference
  • Morphogenesis selected for the BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference
  • Reviewer for the 14° SAR International Conference on Artistic Research
  • Morphogenesis selected for the SMC – Sound and Music Computing conference 2023
  • Audio reactive generative visuals system realised for the UNESCO International Jazz Day at Conservatorio F. A. Bonporti
  • Morphogenesis selected for NYCEMF – New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival
  • Xeno featured on the Sonic Scope Journal, Call and Response – Issue Five
  • Xeno selected for FILE SP 2023 festival, Videoart category
  • hyperobject::01 (generative audiovisual, HD projection and stereo sound)
  • Designing a Library for Generative Audio in Unity paper selected for DAFx 2023 – International Conference on Digital Audio Effects
  • Ascension (score for electric ukulele (GCEA) and electronics, written for and dedicated to Giovanni Albini)
  • hyperobject::01 showcased at the 2023 UoP CCI PGR conference
  • hyperobject::01 selected for ACMC 2023 – Australasian Computer Music Conference
  • Xeno selected for ACMC 2023 – Australasian Computer Music Conference
  • Life selected for ACMC 2023 – Australasian Computer Music Conference
  • Ukulele and Electronics: Pushing the Boundaries of the Repertoire for Ukulele paper selected for UIC 2023 – Ukulele International Conference
  • IT laboratory teacher at the ITT “M. Buonarroti” technical high school
  • hyperobject::02 (site-specific videomapping, HD projection and stereo sound)
  • hyperobject::02 shortlisted for the MAPSION 2023 International Videomapping Competition
  • 76 selected for DACA 2022 – Data Art for Climate Action, along with the paper A Multimedia Representation of the Increase of Global Warming from 1940 to 2016
  • Xeno selected for SMC 2022 – Sound and Music Computing Conference
  • Circuit Bending and Environmental Sustainability: Current Situation and Steps Forward paper selected for NIME 2022 – New Interfaces for Musical Expression
  • Xeno selected for ICMC 2022 – International Computer Music Conference
  • Life selected for ICMC 2022, along with the paper Automating Art: A Case-Study of Cellular Automata in Generative Multimedia Art
  • Presentation of the PhD research project Sound Art from Scrap given at the 2022 UoP CCI PGR conference
  • Working on the multidisciplinary project Unpath 3.1 for the design and realisation of a gesture-controlled prototype of museum installation for the Mary Rose Museum Hackathon Week
  • Xeno selected for the 10° ICFP – International Conference on Functional Programming
  • Xeno selected for the SOUND/IMAGE 22 festival
  • Quantum selected for the SOUND/IMAGE 22 festival
  • Interacting with E-Waste in the Name of Ecology and Sound Art paper selected for the DiMMI 2022 conference – Dictionary for Multidisciplinary Music Integration
  • Acoustic Views of Dorgali paper selected for the DiMMI 2022 conference
  • Interacting with Audio in Unity paper selected for the DiMMI 2022 conference
  • Lecturer as part of the team delivering sessions for the Composition Portfolio module A.Y. 2022/23 (BA, L5)
  • Morphogenesis (acousmatic, ambisonics)
  • Cryoconite (acousmatic, ambisonics)
  • Honorable mention for the sound design realised for the Spectravelers Sound Design Contest 2021
  • Xeno selected for the 22° edition of ISMIR – International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference
  • Xeno selected for the 15° edition of CMMR – International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research
  • Live performance for a site-specific videomapping at ART Stays Festival, Ptuj, Slovenia (artistic residency)
  • Sound design and composition for Un amico per Molvius, a short film projected on a water screen
  • Dante, La Commedia, interactive touchless A/V installation (interaction design and implementation) at Palazzo Casali, Cortona
  • Interactive touchless A/V installation (interaction design and implementation) at Valdichiana Village
  • Luci dalle tenebre, interactive touchless A/V installation (interaction design and implementation, sound design, composition) at MAEC Cortona
  • Xeno selected for the 50° Sehsüchte Festival
  • Xeno selected for the 26° edition of ICAD – International Conference on Auditory Display, along with the paper A New Perspective Over Audio-Video Relationship in Multimedia Art: A Case-Study
  • Quantum selected for NYCEMF 2021 – New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival
  • 76 (audiovisual, HD projection and stereo sound)
  • Xeno selected for NYCEMF 2020 – New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival
  • Sound design and composition for Molvius, a short film projected on a water screen
  • Xeno selected for SIIDS 2020 – Sound, Image and Interaction Design Symposium
  • Spell (acousmatic, stereo)
  • Quantum (acousmatic, stereo)
  • URALi selected for the scientific program of the XVI SMC – Sound and Music Computing conference and presented with the paper URALI: A Proposal of Approach to Real-Time Audio Synthesis in Unity
  • Recording, editing, mixing and mastering of the CD The Karnyx of Sanzeno – The call, produced by F. A. Bonporti Conservatory. Notte was included in this CD
  • Performance of Plastiq at ElettroAQustica 2019
  • Performance of Notte at the conference Il Karnyx di Sanzeno
  • Performance of Plastiq at XX Mondi Sonori
  • Realization of Videowhirl, an interactive, multimedia videomapping installation for XX Mondi Sonori
  • Plastiq (acousmatic, 4.1 sound)
  • Notte (score for piano and karnyx)
  • Night (score for piano, alto, and live electronics)
  • Xeno (audiovisual, HD projection and stereo sound)
  • Working demo of URALI – Unity Real-time audio library, a software library for real-time audio synthesis in Unity
  • Recording, editing, mixing and mastering of the CD Le strade del Natale, produced by Rotary Club Trento, L’Adige and F. A. Bonporti Conservatory
  • Life selected for the III Biennale d’Arte Contemporanea di Salerno
  • Recording, editing, MIDI programming and mixing for the full-length CD Tales of the Forest, by Servan
  • Performance of About a door at MAE – Paesaggi sonori
  • Remastering of the full-length CD Woods by Sytyr
  • Life selected for the artistc program of the XXII CIM – Colloquio di Informatica Musicale
  • Performance of Life at ElettroAQustica 2018
  • Seæ (acousmatic, stereo)
  • Mastering of the full-length CD DRF by Dark Forest
  • About a door performed at Music Circus, conservatory of Trento
  • Life (generative audiovisual, HD projection and stereo sound)
  • S_II_R (generative audiovisual, HD projection and stereo sound)
  • About a door (acousmatic, stereo)

Activity at a glance


  • Ascension (ukulele and live electronics)
  • Cryoconite (acousmatic, ambisonics)
  • Morphogenesis (acousmatic, ambisonics)
  • 76 (audiovisual)
  • Quantum (acousmatic, stereo)
  • Runes (acousmatic, stereo)
  • Notte (piano and karnyx)
  • Night (piano, alto, and live electronics)
  • Xeno (audiovisual)
  • Plastiq (acousmatic, 4.1)
  • Saæ (acousmatic, stereo)
  • About a door (acousmatic, stereo)


  • hyperobject::03 (videomapping)
  • [in.tangibile] (interactive sound art)
  • UNESCO Jazz Day (sound-reactive generative visuals)
  • hyperobject::02 (videomapping)
  • hyperobject::01 (generative audiovisual)
  • Dante, La Commedia (interactive museum inst.)
  • Luci dalle tenebre (interactive museum inst.)
  • Videowhirl (interactive audiovisual mapping)
  • Life (generative audiovisual, software)
  • S_II_R (generative audiovisual, software)


  • Exploring Sound (in)Tangibility Through Interactive Interfaces
  • Ukulele and Electronics: Pushing the Boundaries of the Repertoire for Ukulele
  • Designing a Library for Generative Audio in Unity
  • Xeno
  • Circuit Bending and Environmental Sustainability: Current Situation and Steps Forward
  • Automating Art: A Case-Study of Cellular Automata in Generative Multimedia Art
  • Interacting with Audio in Unity
  • Acoustic Views of Dorgali
  • Interactive with E-Waste in the Name of Ecology and Sound Art
  • A Multimedia Representation of the Increase of Global Warming from 1940 to 2016
  • A New Perspective over Audio-Video Relationship in Multimedia Art: A Case-Study
  • URALI: A Proposal of Approach to Real-Time Audio Synthesis in Unity


  • AVI – Int. Conf. on Advanced Visual Interface (2024)
  • NoiseFloor Festival (2024)
  • Technarte Conference (2024)
  • IX UC Chile electroacoustic music festival (2024)
  • Sonorities Festival (2024)
  • Signal To Noise Festival (2024)
  • MAPSION Int. Videomapping Competition (2023 finalist)
  • UIC – Ukulele Int. Conf. (2023)
  • DAFx – Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (2023)
  • ACMC – Australasian Computer Music Conf. (2023)
  • FILE Festival (2023)
  • UNESCO Int. Jazz Day Trento (2023)
  • BFE/RMA – British Forum for Ethnomusicology/Royal Music Association Conf. (2023)
  • DiMMI – Dictionary for Multidisciplinary Music Integration Int. Conf. (2022)
  • SOUND/IMAGE Festival (2022)
  • FARM – Int. Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design (2022)
  • NIME – Int. Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (2022, 24)
  • ICMC – Int. Computer Music Conf. (2022, 24)
  • DACA – Int. Conf. on Data Art for Climate Action (2022)
  • Art Stays Festival (2021)
  • ICAD – Int. Conf. on Auditory Display (2021)
  • ISMIR – Conf. of the Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval (2021)
  • CMMR – Int. Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (2021)
  • Sehsüchte Film Festival (2021, 24)
  • SIIDS – Sound, Images, and Interaction Design Symposium (2020)
  • NYCEMF – New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (2020, 21, 23)
  • Il Karnyx di Sanzeno Conference (2019)
  • Mondi Sonori Festival (2019)
  • SMC – Int. Sound and Music Computing Conf. (2019, 22, 23, 24)
  • ElettroAQustica Festival (2018, 19)
  • CIM – Colloqui di Informatica Musicale (2018)
  • Biennale d’Arte Contemporanea di Salerno (2018)

Other roles

  • SAG -Spatial Audio Gathering, co-organiser (2024)
  • Reviewer for the NIME conference (2024)
  • Technical high school ‘M. Buonarroti’ IT lab teacher (Sep. 23 – Feb. 2024)
  • Demonstrator in creative tech at the University of Portsmouth (May – Aug. 2023)
  • Reviewer for the 14th SAR – Society for Artistic Research conference (2023)
  • Teacher in creative tech. at the University of Portsmouth (2022)
  • Composer and technologist for Movimento Creative Label (project, 2019-21)
Other roles

Grants and scholarships

  • M4C Consortium grant for the organisation of SAG (2024)
  • Technarte conference grant (speaker, 2024)
  • Sonorities Festival grant (artist, 2024)
  • ACM SIGPLAN/FARM grant (artist, 2022)
  • Fully-funded PhD scholarship, Univ. of Portsmouth (2021-24)
Grants and scholarships


  • ATEOS – ATEOS (digital EP, orchestration and MIDI programming, 2024)
  • Un amico per Molvius (animated short film, music and sound, 2021)
  • A sound effect (sound design contest, hon. mention, 2021, 24)
  • Molvius (animated short film, music and sound, 2020)
  • Il Karnyx di Sanzeno (CD, recording and post-production, 2019)
  • Servan – Tales of The Forest (CD, orchestration and MIDI programming, 2018)
  • Le Strade del Natale (CD, recording adnd post-production, 2018)
  • Dark Rain Forest – DRF (CD, post-production, 2018)
  • URALi – Unity Real-time Audio Library (programmer, own project, 2017)


  • Ascension (ukulele and live electronics)
  • Cryoconite (acousmatic, ambisonics)
  • Morphogenesis (acousmatic, ambisonics)
  • 76 (audiovisual)
  • Quantum (acousmatic, stereo)
  • Runes (acousmatic, stereo)
  • Notte (piano and karnyx)
  • Night (piano, alto, and live electronics)
  • Xeno (audiovisual)
  • Plastiq (acousmatic, 4.1)
  • Saæ (acousmatic, stereo)
  • About a door (acousmatic, stereo)


  • hyperobject::03 (videomapping)
  • [in.tangibile] (interactive sound art)
  • UNESCO Jazz Day (sound-reactive generative visuals)
  • hyperobject::02 (videomapping)
  • hyperobject::01 (generative audiovisual)
  • Dante, La Commedia (interactive museum inst.)
  • Luci dalle tenebre (interactive museum inst.)
  • Videowhirl (interactive audiovisual mapping)
  • Life (generative audiovisual, software)
  • S_II_R (generative audiovisual, software)


  • Exploring Sound (in)Tangibility Through Interactive Interfaces
  • Ukulele and Electronics: Pushing the Boundaries of the Repertoire for Ukulele
  • Designing a Library for Generative Audio in Unity
  • Xeno
  • Circuit Bending and Environmental Sustainability: Current Situation and Steps Forward
  • Automating Art: A Case-Study of Cellular Automata in Generative Multimedia Art
  • Interacting with Audio in Unity
  • Acoustic Views of Dorgali
  • Interactive with E-Waste in the Name of Ecology and Sound Art
  • A Multimedia Representation of the Increase of Global Warming from 1940 to 2016
  • A New Perspective over Audio-Video Relationship in Multimedia Art: A Case-Study
  • URALI: A Proposal of Approach to Real-Time Audio Synthesis in Unity


  • AVI – Int. Conf. on Advanced Visual Interface (2024)
  • NoiseFloor Festival (2024)
  • Technarte Conference (2024)
  • IX UC Chile electroacoustic music festival (2024)
  • Sonorities Festival (2024)
  • Signal To Noise Festival (2024)
  • MAPSION Int. Videomapping Competition (2023 finalist)
  • UIC – Ukulele Int. Conf. (2023)
  • DAFx – Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (2023)
  • ACMC – Australasian Computer Music Conf. (2023)
  • FILE Festival (2023)
  • UNESCO Int. Jazz Day Trento (2023)
  • BFE/RMA – British Forum for Ethnomusicology/Royal Music Association Conf. (2023)
  • DiMMI – Dictionary for Multidisciplinary Music Integration Int. Conf. (2022)
  • SOUND/IMAGE Festival (2022)
  • FARM – Int. Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design (2022)
  • NIME – Int. Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (2022, 24)
  • ICMC – Int. Computer Music Conf. (2022, 24)
  • DACA – Int. Conf. on Data Art for Climate Action (2022)
  • Art Stays Festival (2021)
  • ICAD – Int. Conf. on Auditory Display (2021)
  • ISMIR – Conf. of the Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval (2021)
  • CMMR – Int. Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (2021)
  • Sehsüchte Film Festival (2021, 24)
  • SIIDS – Sound, Images, and Interaction Design Symposium (2020)
  • NYCEMF – New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (2020, 21, 23)
  • Il Karnyx di Sanzeno Conference (2019)
  • Mondi Sonori Festival (2019)
  • SMC – Int. Sound and Music Computing Conf. (2019, 22, 23, 24)
  • ElettroAQustica Festival (2018, 19)
  • CIM – Colloqui di Informatica Musicale (2018)
  • Biennale d’Arte Contemporanea di Salerno (2018)

Other roles

  • SAG -Spatial Audio Gathering, co-organiser (2024)
  • Reviewer for the NIME conference (2024)
  • Technical high school ‘M. Buonarroti’ IT lab teacher (Sep. 23 – Feb. 2024)
  • Demonstrator in creative tech at the University of Portsmouth (May – Aug. 2023)
  • Reviewer for the 14th SAR – Society for Artistic Research conference (2023)
  • Teacher in creative tech. at the University of Portsmouth (2022)
  • Composer and technologist for Movimento Creative Label (project, 2019-21)

Grants and scholarships

  • M4C Consortium grant for the organisation of SAG (2024)
  • Technarte conference grant (speaker, 2024)
  • Sonorities Festival grant (artist, 2024)
  • ACM SIGPLAN/FARM grant (artist, 2022)
  • Fully-funded PhD scholarship, Univ. of Portsmouth (2021-24)


  • ATEOS – ATEOS (digital EP, orchestration and MIDI programming, 2024)
  • Un amico per Molvius (animated short film, music and sound, 2021)
  • A sound effect (sound design contest, hon. mention, 2021, 24)
  • Molvius (animated short film, music and sound, 2020)
  • Il Karnyx di Sanzeno (CD, recording and post-production, 2019)
  • Servan – Tales of The Forest (CD, orchestration and MIDI programming, 2018)
  • Le Strade del Natale (CD, recording adnd post-production, 2018)
  • Dark Rain Forest – DRF (CD, post-production, 2018)
  • URALi – Unity Real-time Audio Library (programmer, own project, 2017)


To get in touch, connect through Linkedin or Instagram, or use the form below for email correspondence

To get in touch, connect through Linkedin, Instagram, or send an email

To get in touch, connect through Linkedin, Instagram, or send an email